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165 Madison Ave., Ste 2000, Memphis, TN 38103

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About Us

Who We Are

Park Friends Inc. - The Grass Roots Organization Working to Preserve the Crown Jewel of Midtown Memphis – Overton Park

Join Park Friends in the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Overton Park.

The mission of Park Friends is to preserve, maintain and celebrate the 342 acres of Overton Park – including the Old Forest, a unique 140-acre outdoor space within a bustling city.  The City of Memphis has entrusted the Park to a separate group known as the Overton Park Conservatory formed in 2011.  Park Friends enhances the Conservancy’s work at the grass roots level resulting in strong support for the Park.

Park Friends has no paid employees and seeks to involve the community in group stewardship of the Park through volunteerism, social gatherings, maintenance of the Nature and Limestone Loop Trails, removal of invasive plant species in the Old Forest, planting trees, building and maintenance of the many foot bridges, maintenance of the carriage and stone bridges, supporting the renovation of the Golf House and increasing awareness about the ecology and history of Overton Park.  Park Friends is a private, not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  

Your involvement as a member of Park Friends establishes you as an Overton Park steward and a part of keeping Overton Park the treasure it is.

Preservation • Protection • Stewardship